Malaysia continues to be one giant adventure after the next!
Just so everyone knows, Marlee, Sarah, and I adopted a stray kitten: his name
is Lasak, which means energetic in Aceh. We took him to the vet: correction the
veterinarian met us in the middle of the street and gave him a super thorough
exam (NOT!!!) and an “injection”. Thank goodness Sarah and I have experience
with animals to make sure the vet wasn’t completely crazy. Lasak is the
CLINGIEST animal ever!!! He never leaves you alone and if you don’t let him sit
on your shoulders, in your lap, or carry him around, he tries to climb up your
clothes. Needless to say, I have quite a few scratches from him trying to be
too cuddly. The world is out to get Lasak though: the other cats try to attack
him, he was almost eaten by a pack of dogs last night, and someone at the
apartment burned his whiskers off! I was an unhappy person but I just think
that everyone is jealous that Lasak has a great life now.
Some of us also went to KL to see traditional Malay dance!
The costumes were intricate, extremely colorful, and it was a blast to see! Of
course I got yelled at for taking pictures but at least I got some good snaps.
Malay traditional dance!
The sky I get to look at every day!
After our crazy beach weekend and a long week of classes,
six of us Americans left for the Batu Caves. After waking up at 5am to take
train, riding on the polar express for over 2 hours (the train was COLD), and
chasing after what turned out to be the wrong train, we arrived at a beautiful
Indian inspired location. We ate some of the yummiest Indian cuisine ever and
Erin even got her mango stolen by a monkey. Once we arrived we walked to the
backside of the caves to rock climb. Yes, REAL rock climbing! We also met a guy
that unlocked a gate for us and let us walk up to a base-jumping location. Of
course hank split her head open on a rock and cut herself on the barbwire.
Monkey that stole Erin's mango
Statue in front of the caves
The little bird that accompanied me before I climbed
On the rocks :)
Climbed up to the location where the base jumpers leap off into the air
Climbing up the stairs to the Batu Caves
Oppa's Birthday Celebration!
All the Americans and Koreans :)
After another week of classes, we were off to SINGAPORE! But
first, on Thursday night, the American's came in my room at midnight and sing me
happy birthday and gave me an ice-cream: I am certainly blessed to have great
friends here to celebrate my bday with. Back to the story-let me throw a cliffhanger at ya, we came with 9 people to Singapore and left
with 6 people…We were told it would take 6 hours to get there- NOPE, I forget
sometimes that we are on Malay time. After a 2 hour train to KL, we boarded a
train to Singapore=another 7 hours (which turned out to be 9). When we arrived
to the Singapore border it was already near midnight. As we went through immigration,
we lost the first person. Poor Naz is from Kazakhstan and didn’t know that she
needed a visa to enter Singapore.
The officials sent her straight back on a bus to Tanjong Malim (NOT
After much help from locals, two journeys on the MRT, a long bus ride,
and some walking, we made it to our hostel for the night. We were starved!! I
hadn’t eaten a real meal all day and it was 2am already. No restaurants were
open: I thought I was going to have to eat my birthday dinner at the 7/11.
Nope, we meet some nice Indian men at a restaurant and even though they were
closed, they made us all noodles with fish and shrimp. They even gave me a
piece of chocolate cake! Singapore had some of the nicest people ever! I even
got a free shot of baileys at an Australian bar. Of course this whole process
occurred on my birthday but I live for adventure and I sure did get one!

That night we made a
fire, cooked some noodles in a pot, and told ghost stories. The island is
supposedly haunted and the locals told us that there is a tree with a red
ribbon around it somewhere in the island and that if you get within 20m to it,
you will be possessed. While we didn’t get possessed or see the tree, CRAZY
THINGS HAPPENDED!! For starters everyone fell out of their hammocks at least
once, well except Carson. I thought it would be cool to set mine up high so I
had to jump high to get in: bad idea! I fell smack on my back; again…some of
the other Americans tied their hammocks to the trees with thin rope. The ties
they made weren’t quite suitable for the weight of a person and bam, three
people on their butts. We also went trekking through the woods to get firewood
and lucky Erin got stung by a scorpion. She started feeling the venom going up her arm and I am not gonna lie, I freaked out a bit (on the inside). The locals even got a bit scared, but she ended up being fine. Hank also had her passport, camera,
money, and credit card lost/stolen. Lets just say, the weekend didn’t go as planned!
The flowers in Singapore were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
The spiders in some areas were also quite large
The next day we biked throughout the island and saw some beautiful scenery! The beaches had great species!
The most endangered species known to man! THE SEA SNEAKER!!!
Hiking through the island with my pals
Trip to the police station with Hank
Before long, it was time to make the LONG journey home! It took 16 hours of a ferry, 3 buses, a trip on the MRT, a 7+ hour train trip, 2 more hours on the metro, and a taxi, to get back home! In the process, Hank was not allowed to leave the country because she didn't have a passport (and Carson stayed with her). So there is goes, we came with 9 and left with 6.
Even though crazy things happened, it was a great and MEMORABLE weekend :)